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Research teams
UMR 1166 - Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases
Directed by Pr Stéphane HATEM

Created in 2014, this mixed research unit is entirely devoted to research on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases around four main axes: atherothrombosis and coronary diseases, genomics of cardiomyopathies and heart failure, atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrhythmias, lipids and atherosclerotic vascular diseases.
The UMR is led by 5 teams:

Team 1 - Genomics and Physiopathology of Myocardial Diseases
Directed by Pr Philippe CHARRON
Cardiomyopathies and channelopathies are the main hereditary heart diseases and are the main causes of sudden death and heart failure in young people. Despite improvements in the management of these diseases, new knowledge of the genetic causes and underlying pathophysiology is needed to identify new therapeutic targets or strategies and better prevent the devastating complications of these diseases.
Moreover, recent advances have led to a new understanding of the complex interplay between genetic architecture (rare and frequent variants) and environmental factors (such as sport, myocarditis). This new knowledge and this new paradigm have important consequences for the global understanding of cardiac cell physiology as well as for the pathophysiology of complex diseases such as heart failure and arrhythmia.
Team 2 - Atherothrombosis and Applied Pharmacology
Directed by Pr Jean-Philippe COLLET
Study of cardiovascular diseases mainly linked to atherothrombosis from therapeutic strategies to preventive education.
Expertise in cardiovascular epidemiology, randomized clinical trials.

Team 3 - Molecular and Cellular Plasticity in Cardiovascular Diseases
Directed by Dr Sophie NADAUD and Dr Elise BALSE
Cardiovascular diseases, such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure or arterial hypertension, are the main causes of global mortality in modern countries and their morbidity and prevalence will continue to grow in the coming years with the aging of the population. population. In France, they caused more than a million hospitalizations in 2016.
Pulmonary hypertension is a rare and life-limiting cardiovascular disorder characterized by occlusive remodeling of the distal pulmonary vasculature that ultimately leads to right heart failure. Cardiovascular diseases are often complex diseases that share pathophysiological mechanisms. Our team is interested in deciphering the molecular and cellular actors involved in the remodeling processes that lead to these pathologies. These alterations are associated with complex rearrangements at the tissue and cellular level and we study the drivers of molecular and cellular plasticity that characterize cardiovascular remodeling during atrial fibrillation, heart failure, senescence and hypertension pulmonary.
Team 4 - Cellular and Systemic Lipid Metabolism in Cardiometabolic Diseases
Led by Dr. Wilfried Le GOFF
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death worldwide, in particular due to the growing prevalence of obesity and associated metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and Type 2 diabetes. These metabolic disorders are associated with impaired lipid metabolism at the cellular and systemic level. Thus, dyslipidemias, characterized by an alteration of circulating concentrations of lipoproteins and lipids, are a major component in the development of CVD. The mechanisms through which lipids contribute to the development of metabolic disorders are multiple and involve the alteration of signaling and regulatory pathways at the cellular level and the composition and function of circulating lipoproteins at the systemic level. Through cross-disciplinary approaches, our team is interested in identifying the mechanisms underlying these alterations in lipid metabolism in order to propose new therapeutic targets to reduce the occurrence and development of CVD. In this context, our research team aims to propose new candidate pathways, genes and biomarkers in CVD.

Team 5 - Mononuclear phagocytes in cardiometabolic diseases
Directed by Dr Philippe LESNIK
The main objective of the team is to better understand the impact of different MP subsets on chronic metabolic disorders, with a particular focus on macrophages and dendritic cells. To this end, unique mouse models and preclinical approaches will be used to decipher the complex interactions between subsets of MPs and metabolic tissues. In addition, this team builds on recent state-of-the-art preclinical and clinical proofs of concept highlighting a relationship between gut microbiota, immune cells and cholesterol metabolism in the host.
UMR 1146 - Biomedical Imaging Laboratory (LIB) CNRS - INSERM

Team A - Cardiovascular Imaging
Directed by Nadjia KACHENOURA, DR INSERM
Our multidisciplinary team (Sorbonne University, Inserm, CNRS) is developing new cardiac and vascular imaging biomarkers combining cardiovascular and metabolic phenotypes for a more precise characterization of physiology and disease. Our research targets:
- The development and validation of cardiac and vascular image processing software
- Clinical translation to assess the contribution of our imaging biomarkers
Research Unit 938 Saint-Antoine Research Center
Three of the thirteen teams of this Unit are part of the IHU-ICAN

Team 9 - Lipodystrophies, metabolic and hormonal adaptations, and aging
Directed by Pr Bruno FÈVE
Study of the pathophysiological mechanisms of lipodystrophies of genetic origin, or acquired during HIV infection or treatment with glucocorticoids, as well as the associated reproductive disorders. In vivo (animal models, cohorts of patients) and in vitro study of the links between lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, aging of adipose tissue, and reproductive diseases.
Team 11 - Fibroinflammatory diseases of metabolic and biliary origin of the liver
Directed by Pr Chantal HOUSSET
Study of the genetic defects of the phosphatidylcholine transporter ABCB4, responsible for hereditary diseases, the cell death mechanisms that promote hepatic inflammation and fibrosis during NAFLD, and the subpopulations of hepatic myofibroblasts involved in fibrosis and liver stroma. cholangiocarcinoma.

Team 12 - IGF system, fetal and postnatal growth
Directed by Pr Irène NETCHINE
Study of the pathophysiology of fetal growth linked to imprint pathologies in patients born small for gestational age or presenting with excessive growth. Study in patients, mouse models, and iPS approach.
UMR 1138 - Cordeliers Research Center
Metabolic diseases, diabetes and co-morbidities team
Directed by Fabienne FOUFELLE
Understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of insulin resistance in liver, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle and in the impairment of insulin secretion by pancreatic Beta cells in type 2 diabetes. The team studies the mechanisms contributing to the disruption of insulin signaling (insulin resistance) and how inflammation is formed at the molecular level in the liver and adipose tissue of obese individuals, a mechanism that contributes to insulin resistance. local and systemic.

UMR 1269 - Nutrition and Obesity: systemic approaches (nutriomics)

Metabolic diseases, diabetes and co-morbidities team
Professor Karine CLEMENT
This research unit conducts numerous basic and translational research in the field of obesity and related metabolic disorders. It aims to explore the disturbances of the inter-organ dialogue and particularly the role of adipose tissue and the intestine, the microbiota, in these dialogues and to identify new ways to stratify disease and new therapies in order to improve health. cardiometabolic.
The 5 main themes of the team are:
- Progression of obesity and associated complications: role of the intestinal microbiota
- The intestine, a key player in metabolic disorders
- Adipose tissue remodeling
- Systems biology and data integration
- Translating our basic research for the benefit of patients