Attend the symposium “AI and Big Data in Medical Research and Practice” (February 10, 2023)
On Friday, February 10, 2023, the Conseil d’État, the CNIL and the Alliance IHU France invite you to their symposium “AI and Big Data: how will they revolutionize medical research and practice in the future?”
Doctors, researchers, regulators, industrialists and politicians will debate during three round tables the ethical issues of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data in research and medical practice and will discuss the prospects offered by these new tools.
The debates are accessible to all via the website, the YouTube channel and the Twitter account of the Council of State.

The context: how to achieve a balance between protecting individuals and supporting health research?

One area of the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data is an ongoing challenge to public and private players: healthcare. It is a matter of finding a balance between data protection and around what is most intimate and most precious to the individual, his health, and society’s legitimate need for innovative treatments and diagnostics to meet medical needs that are insufficiently or poorly covered.
The collection and exploitation of massive data are very powerful levers for health research today, but they also call into question the current regulatory and organizational frameworks for research in France. The unavoidable need for protection, the mission of experimentation and innovation of public research in the short and medium term, and societal benefits in the long term: this is the triptych within which regulators and legislators must find a balance.
The program of the AI and Big Data conference
9:00 am – Opening Plenary
- Didier-Roland Tabuteau – Vice-President of the Council of State
- Marie-Laure Denis – President of the CNIL
- Stéphane Hatem – Director General of the ICAN HCI
9:35 am – Presentation of the Council of State’s study on AI and public action
- Thierry Tuot – Deputy President of the Interior Section of the Council of State
10:00 – The use of AI in research and medical practice
Artificial intelligence has made it possible to develop connected objects, essential tools for e-health. Through the illustration of the practical case of connected watches allowing to alert in real time a patient on his cardiac state of health, we will question their use, the interpretation of their results and the way in which they come to question, not only the ethics, but also the doctor-patient relationship. At the heart of the problem is medical decision making and the responsibility of the physician.
- Moderator: Gérard Biau – Managing Director of SCAI
- Stéphanie Combes – Director of the Health Data Hub
- Dominique Le Guludec – President of the HAS
- Pierre Jaïs – Director General of the IHU Liryc
- Valérie Paradis – PUPH at AP-HP
11:15 – What regulatory framework for health data?
The usefulness of health data is no longer in question in the context of scientific health research protocols. Nevertheless, the question arises of the legal framework that must facilitate ambitious research projects without compromising the data protection framework. Their ownership, protection, anonymization, and regulatory harmonization raise essential regulatory issues whose implications have a direct impact on the quality of research. With the underlying question: How can we create legal data sanctuaries for reliable, quality research using health data?
- Moderator: Jean Lessi – Rapporteur to the Social Section of the Council of State
- Antonios Bouchagiar – Member of the Legal Service of the European Commission
- David Gruson – Founder of Ethik-IA
- Stéphane Hatem – Directeur général de l’ICAN HCI
- Valérie Peugeot – Commissioner responsible for health data at the CNIL
2:00 pm – What economic ecosystem for health data in France?
Once the regulatory framework is set, What ecosystem of bodies should ensure the preservation of the highly qualified data produced by the research centers? This richness, which is different from the data coming from the health care system (poured into the Health Data Hub), requires scientific competence, significant investments and a key element: trust. What is the profile of the regulator and/or sponsor of AI science research?
- Moderator: Louis Dutheillet de Lamothe – Secretary General of the CNIL
- Christian Deleuze – Deputy Chief Innovation Officer of Sanofi, President of Medicen Paris and President of the Healthcare Data Institute
- Yedidia Levy-Zauberman – Director of Public Affairs at Owkin
- Sébastien Massart – Director of Strategy at Dassault Systèmes
15h10 – Closing Plenary
- Jean-Noël Barrot – Minister Delegate for Digital Transition and Telecommunications
- Thierry Tuot – Président adjoint de la section de l’intérieur du Conseil d’État
How to participate in this AI and Big Data in healthcare conference?
The event is accessible free of charge online, without pre-registration. You just have to connect at 9am on Friday, February 10, 2023 via one of the following media:
For any question, you can contact us by e-mail at We wish you a great event!
Press contact Alliance IHU France: Francine Trocmé – – 01 88 40 64 05