Heart failure: launch of the ICARD study, 1st patient included
More than 1 million French people are now affected by Heart Failure (HF), with 120,000 new cases diagnosed each year. This frequent and serious chronic disease occurs when the heart has difficulty pumping enough blood to oxygenate all the organs.
The IHU ICAN scientific research teams set up the ICARD study, which aims to analyze the mechanisms of dapagliflozin, a molecule that has demonstrated metabolic, cardiovascular and renal efficacy with a recognized place in the treatment of heart failure.
The study started in June 2022, with the inclusion of the 1st patient! Find out more about the background and objectives of the ICARD study below.

Heart failure: 1 million French people concerned

The contraction of the heart of patients with Heart Failure (HF) is no longer effective in ensuring the blood flow necessary to supply the organs. shortness of breath, fatigue and/or edema and weight gain.
Heart failure can be the consequence of myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, diabetes and arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, as well as diseases of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathies) often of genetic origin.
- In France, 2.3% of the adult population and 10% of people over 70 suffer from heart failure, i.e. more than 1 million people concerned,
- Each year, 165,000 patients are hospitalized and more than 70,000 deaths are associated with heart failure,
- More than 1 in 2 patients declare themselves to be in “poor” or “very poor” health.
Dapagliflozin: an effective molecule in the treatment of heart failure
To deal with this disease, there are treatments that improve the symptoms, lighten the work of the heart, and reduce morbidity and mortality, but they are not effective for all patients.
Dapagliflozin is a molecule accessible since 2021 for patients with heart failure. It has given very recent results of complementary efficacy, the mechanisms of action of which deserve to be further investigated.
Today, understanding which mechanisms are activated will help to better identify patients who may have an increased benefit from the use of dapagliflozin compared to standard treatments for heart failure.

The objectives of the ICARD study conducted by the IHU ICAN

The ICARD study of the IHU ICAN therefore aims to understand how this molecule improves the energy metabolism of the heart and other organs (liver, kidney, abdominal fat), i.e. the flexibility of the use of different sources of energy (fats and sugar) that the heart needs to pump blood.
The 2 main objectives of the ICARD study are therefore:
- Understand, through MRI, the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of dapagliflozin, which benefit several types of patients,
- Analyze its role in reducing hospitalizations and mortality in patients with heart failure.
The scientific organization of the ICARD study
With the participation of AstraZeneca, this study with academic promotion is planned for a period of 2 years. ICARD will focus on 40 patients presenting with heart failure and followed in the Cardiology Department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital.
The study is taking place at Pitié-Salpêtrière, within the Heart Institute, in the nuclear medicine department and on the ICAN Clinical Investigation platform of the IHU ICAN.
It also involves the ICAN Imaging scientific platforms for MRI and ICAN Omics acquisitions, the biomedical imaging laboratory (LIB, INSERM 1146) as well as the support services of the IHU.
- Project leaders: Pr Richard Isnard, Pr Alban Redheuil, and Pr Fabrizio Andreelli
- Contact: Louise Meyfroit – Scientific operations officer – l.meyfroit@ihuican.org

Latest generation 1.5T cardiovascular MRI from the IHU ICAN