ICAN IMAGING: a unique technological offer in Île-de-France

The IHU-ICAN’s acquisition of a latest-generation 1.5T cardiovascular MRI has enabled the creation of the the first cardiovascular and metabolic magnetic resonance imaging platform dedicated entirely to humans in the Paris region.

This platform gives academic, hospital and industrial researchers unique access to advanced quantitative non-invasive imaging of the cardiocirculatory system, and to the development of metabolic imaging.

These new techniques, applied directly to human beings, make it possible to accelerated, patient-focused translational research.

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Platform expertise

The ICAN IMAGING platform combines 3 complementary activities:

  1. Image acquisition by the MRI platform
  2. Standardized reference analysis
  3. Image management by the Core Lab, as well as project management including methodological aspects by the Biomedical Imaging Laboratory (LIB), medical aspects by the Cardio-Thoracic Imaging (ICT), and regulatory, financial and communication aspects by the IHU ICAN.

Image acquisition - MRI platform

  • Acquisition of standardized and optimized images
  • Clinical research protocols
  • Methodological and technological research protocols
  • Access to cohort and population imagery
  • Quality control and data management – RGPD-compliant archiving

Image analysis

  • Medical reading, expert labeling, adjudication
  • Internationally recognized expertise in cardiovascular image processing
  • Research and development of new biomarkers in cardiovascular imaging
  • Customized analysis for diagnostic/therapeutic studies

“The goal of modern medicine is to provide populations with personalized, evidence-based, non-invasive medicine at the best cost/benefit ratio for both patients and healthcare systems. Today, new imaging techniques such as MRI enable the early diagnosis of diseases by detecting abnormalities in organ structure or function at an infra-clinical stage. In recent years, these techniques have become more reproducible, enabling targeted treatment and better monitoring of therapeutic efficacy. Thanks to increased sensitivity and specificity, MRI also makes it possible to reduce the number of subjects required for clinical studies based on quantitative cardiovascular parameters.”

Prof. Alban Redheuil, MD, PhD, Head of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging Unit (ICT) at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Scientific Director ICAN IMAGING

Ambitious objectives

The ICAN Imaging platform, in conjunction with the ICT teams and the LIB cardiovascular team, provides investigators and promoters with a high-level structure and expertise in order to:

  • Offer a one-stop shop for setting up your academic and industrial projects in interaction with our multidisciplinary team
  • Develop, validate and apply in population, quantitative biomarkers in in vivo imaging
  • Identify and study new determinants for earlier diagnosis and predict disease progression
  • Evaluate the medico-economic aspect of innovative strategies based on high-tech imaging

MRI and CoreLab Platform Manager (IHU ICAN/INSERM)
K. Bouazizi

Medical and scientific manager (AP-HP)
Prof. A. Redheuil

Scientific advisory board
Prof. I. Bloch (Télécom Paris), Pr D. Dormont (AP-HP), Pr G. Helft (AP-HP), Dr N. Kachenoura (INSERM), Dr F. Lethimonnier (INSERM)

DMU Diament (AP-HP), Biomedical Imaging Laboratory LIB (SU / INSERM / CNRS)

A multidisciplinary team specializing in cardiovascular imaging

With its international reach, the ICAN Imaging platform draws on the expertise of other major players in cardiometabolic imaging:

  • ICT – Unité d’Imagerie Cardiovasculaire et Thoracique (Pitié-Salpêtrière): local expertise in cardio-radiology for development of imaging sequences, optimization and standardization of protocols
  • The Biomedical Imaging Laboratory (LIB, Sorbonne University, INSERM, CNRS): expertise in image analysis and quantification to develop new imaging biomarkers.
  • Other IHU ICAN platforms: integration of multiparametric imaging data with other Omics data, to determine new strategies for personalized patient management, using the latest data analysis techniques via Artificial Intelligence.

“The cardiovascular imaging team at the Biomedical Imaging Laboratory (Sorbonne University, Inserm, CNRS) founded by Nadjia Kachenoura in 2014 is a multidisciplinary team developing innovative imaging biomarkers combining cardiovascular and metabolic phenotypes. Our research targets the development and validation of software for the analysis of cardiac and vascular images particularly in MRI, combining conventional image processing algorithms and artificial intelligence. Our close interaction with ICAN Imaging enables us to translate our biomarkers into clinical applications, and to provide users with a diversified, state-of-the-art offering in cardiovascular imaging.

Dr. Nadjia Kachenoura, PhD, INSERM Research Director, Head of the Cardiovascular Imaging Team, Biomedical Imaging Laboratory

Contact us

Khaoula Bouazizi

Operational Manager

01 84 82 77 74

Louise Meyfroit

IHU-ICAN Project Manager

01 84 82 77 89

ICAN Imaging MRI Core Lab


Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
47-83 Hospital Boulevard
75013 Paris