Donate to medical research:
why choose IHU ICAN?
By making a donation to the ICAN IHU, you’ll be making a concrete contribution to research into cardiometabolic diseases, accelerating progress for the benefit of patients and combating the 1st cause of death in women and the 2nd cause of death in the general population in France.
IHU ICAN (Foundation for Innovation in Cardiometabolism and Nutrition) is a scientific cooperation foundation founded in 2011 by AP-HP, Inserm and Sorbonne University.
To help patients, support the 170 doctors and 230 researchers at IHU ICAN!
Why make an IFI donation to advance research?

We are all concerned by cardiometabolic diseases, which are metabolic diseases (familial hypercholesterolemia, obesity, fatty liver disease (FHLD), diabetes…) often complicated by cardiovascular disease.
• 140,000 people die every year from cardiovascular disease,
• 47% of the population is overweight,
• 17 million people suffer from high blood pressure,
• 4 million people are treated for diabetes.
Our research teams need the support of donors and sponsors to accelerate our ongoing innovative projects to improve understanding, treatment and prevention of these serious chronic diseases.
If you are subject to the IFI (Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière), you can benefit from a tax advantage by making a donation to IHU ICAN. 75% of the amount of your donation is deductible from your IFI, up to an annual limit of €50,000.
Your donation also qualifies for tax deductions of up to 66% of its amount from Impôt sur le Revenu (IR) and 60% from Impôt sur les sociétés (IS).
Cardiometabolic diseases: research advances thanks to your donations!
Donations are used to develop forward-looking programs in priority areas:
- Imaging to find new biomarkers of metabolic diseases to improve prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of treatment efficacy,
- Health data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and patient cohorts to build robust, collaborative and innovative research programs,
- The biology of cardiometabolic diseases and new interfaces (microbiota, fatty tissue, cholesterol, liver) to understand the mechanisms of development and progression of cardiometabolic diseases,
- Rare diseases to improve understanding of extreme and rare phenotypes.

Thanks to the generous support of IHU ICAN’s patrons, our researchers and physicians can carry out large-scale projects to better understand the interactions between organs, and develop precision medicine in cardiometabolism.
By 2023, IHU ICAN has raised €950,000 thanks to the generosity of its committed sponsors!

Sponsorship paves the way for a world first in heart transplantation
Thanks to the support of our patrons, the Pr Guillaume Lebreton (Cardiac surgeon, AP-HP, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, IHU ICAN) in Pr Pascal Leprince’s cardiac surgery department, achieved a world first in heart transplantation in January 2024 The 1st transplantation of a heart graft after transport across the Atlantic Ocean, with the heart preserved for more than 12 hours instead of the usual 4!
Our warmest thanks go to the Adicare association, Air France, Bouygues, XVIVO and all the collectors and donors of the 2023 Heroes’ Run for their invaluable commitment.
In a context of shortage of heart transplants, this success opens up major prospects for cardiac transplantation, by providing better access to hearts that are eligible today but unused, notably for reasons of distance and therefore transport time.
We need your help to go further!
Examples of large-scale projects to support
- ICONIC: the 1st atlas of cardiac and liver imaging in the general population
- PEGASE : pilot trial of heart transplantation after prolonged storage using an ex-vivo perfusion device
- The CHAIRE MASH, for innovative research, training and care projects on fatty liver disease
- MAESTRIA : the 1st digital platform for integrative diagnosis of atrial cardiomyopathy, using artificial intelligence
Contact us to find out more
Francine Trocmé, Communications and Sponsorship Director,
What are your donations for? Some equivalents
- 1,000€ = preparation of a biobank (cells, DNA, serum and plasma) from the blood donations of 5 patients for research into pathology-related markers
- 5,000€ = purchase of assay equipment for ICAN Biocell Human Liver Biology or ICAN Biocell iPS platforms
- 25,000€ = study of the effect of pharmacological drugs on fat depletion in isolated primary human hepatocytes, with a view to using them to save “steatotic” livers that are unsuitable for liver transplantation because of the shortage of grafts (5 independent experiments).
- 50,000€ = funding for one year of post-doctoral studies
- 120,000€ = funding of a 3-year thesis for a project to develop a relevant multi-organoid (heart-liver) model to study cardiometabolic diseases.
- 300,000€ = purchase of equipment to analyze candidate biomarkers and biomarkers of interest
- 1 0000 000€ = purchase of state-of-the-art equipment for metabolomics and lipidomics analyses