The ICAN BioCell iPS platform

The possibility of developing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from adult cells, i.e. cells capable of differentiating into other adult cell types, has revolutionized the study of the molecular mechanisms of human disease. This approach is particularly well suited to diseases of genetic origin. In this case, adult cells, in particular blood cells, are harvested from sick donors carrying genetic mutations.

The ICAN BioCell iPS platform aims to develop new cellular models for research into cardiometabolic diseases. It is dedicated to the reprogramming of adult cells into induced pluripotent stem cells and their differentiation into different cell models (cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, hepatocytes, adipocytes, etc.).

See the BioCell iPS charter

Our mission: production and genetic modification of iPS cells

  • The ICAN BioCell iPS platform specializes in the production and genetic modification of iPSC cells, known as genome editing, and their differentiation into adult cells such as cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, adipocytes and hepatocytes.
  • The ICAN BioCell iPS team is developing more complex humanized models in the form of organoids. These pseudo-tissues called organoids are generated in vitro to form beating heart muscle by combining cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells and cardiac fibroblasts. This cardiac organoid will allow the establishment of complex interactions between these cells and subsequently be able to study certain physiological parameters such as the action potential and the heart rate.
  • ICAN BioCell iPS also manages the generation of genetically modified iPSC clones using CRISPR/CAS9 technology, by inserting a corrective template into the genome to remove a mutation, to generate KI (knock-in) by inserting a mutated template into control iPSCs, or KO (knock-out) by non-homologous recombination after cutting.
  • The platform also owns a number of iPS lines and models for hypertrophic, dilated and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies.

Cardiomyocytes, marquage MLC2a et MLC2V

Enothelial cells, CD31 and DAPI labeling

iPSC clone immunostained for pluripotency proteins

Our services

  • Maintenance of iPSC lines
  • Reprogramming human adult cells into iPSCs
  • CRISPR/CAS9 genome editing
  • Differentiation and characterization of iPSCs
  • Training in iPSC culture and differentiation

The platform has an L2 laboratory equipped with

  • 4 type II microbiological safety cabinets
  • 3 Lynxx systems for passage and maintenance of iPSC lines
  • 1 CO2 incubators dedicated to iPSC culture
  • 2 CO2 incubator dedicated to the differentiation of iPSCs into mature cells
  • 1 tri-gas incubator for reprogramming somatic cells (fibroblasts, PBMCs) into iPSCs
  • Cell counter and microscope

Pricing on estimate

Contact us


01 40 77 81 39


Scientific officer

ICAN BioCell iPS scientific publications