MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and IHU ICAN accelerate research on microbiota and cardiovascular diseases in France
MetaGenoPolis -INRAE and the IHU ICAN, both of which are internationally recognized in the scientific community for their research work and are part of the MetaGenoPolis pre-industrial demonstrator, wish to join forces to accelerate knowledge of the link between microbiota and cardiometabolic diseases.

What impact does the microbiota have on cardiovascular disease?

Diabetes, obesity, cirrhosis, liver disease (NASH), heart and vessel disease are chronic diseases that are constantly increasing in the last fifty years, some of them uncontrolled. They constitute public health issues of today and tomorrow.
These cardiometabolic diseases, affecting both children and adults, are the leading cause of death in France and worldwide. The best way to fight these diseases is through innovative and multidisciplinary research that allows us to offer personalized care to patients.
Science has shown that these diseases may be associated with an imbalance in the gut microbiota.
There is a need to continue to explore the impact of the microbiota in cardiovascular disease to open new therapeutic avenues.
What collaboration between MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and IHU ICAN?
As part of the project Le French Gut, national contribution carried by INRAE in collaboration with the AP-HP which will collect gut microbiota from 100,000 adult volunteers residing in metropolitan France and associated nutritional and clinical data by 2027, the INRAE/ICAN collaboration will create synergies in ancillary projects to accelerate knowledge on the relationship between the gut microbiota and cardiometabolic diseases in France.
Indeed, several patient cohorts under the aegis of the IHU ICAN could join the French Gut in order to study this relationship.
Privileged links between MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and IHU ICAN already exist, notably through 2 international projects MetaHIT and Metacardis that have resulted in high impact factor publications, and more recently in joint discussions to propose offers for manufacturers wishing to explore the microbiota and its impact on health.

«Whether for diagnosis, treatment, or prevention through nutrition, these partnership offers include the unique expertise of these two institutes (clinical, metagenomics and Artificial Intelligence) and benefit from high quality technical platforms to meet an increasingly innovative and personalized demand from our economic partners.”
Alexandre Cavezza, PhD – DirectorMetaGenoPolis
Who is MetaGenoPolis?
MetaGenoPolis (MGP), an INRAE unit, is an expert in research on gut microbiota applied to health and nutrition human and animal, to accelerate science and innovation. Funded by the Programme des Investissements d’Avenir (Laureate 2012 and 2019), MGP has been coordinator of 2 major projects that have advanced the science of microbiota:
- The MetaHIT project which publishes the first catalog of human gut microbial genes,
- The IHMS project to help standardize microbial DNA analysis.

Since its creation in 2012, MetaGenoPolis has collaborated on 236 research projects, including 154 projects in partnership with industry.
MGP’s main missions are:
- To accelerate microbiota science in France and innovation in the field of health and food,
- To propose high-performance, high-throughput technologies to analyze the diversity of complex microbiota and the interactions between gut bacteria and human cells,
- To collaborate with industrial actors for the transformation of their discoveries into health-related products and services, to identify and fully process leads towards future industrial applications, to help design and lead scientific projects towards applications.
MGP’s scientific excellence in the analysis of the microbiota and its implications for health and nutrition iswidely recognized in the international scientific community .