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What is metabolism?
What is metabolism?

Metabolism is a succession of actions that allows the body to carry out its natural and necessary functions to stay alive. Heartbeats, breathing, digestion, brain function are actions orchestrated by the metabolism.
To function the metabolism needs fuel in order to remain in constant activity. The metabolism is fueled in particular by the lipids and carbohydrates in our diet.
When the metabolism is disturbed, it appears a metabolic syndrome. These are different events that will interact with each other and lead to the appearance of diseases.
The most frequent events are:
- excessive weight gain
- hyperglycemia, i.e. too much sugar
- dyslipidemia, i.e. a dysfunction of the lipids which very frequently results in an excess of cholesterol
- blood pressure dysfunction
Metabolism varies throughout our lives depending on our age and gender but also depending on external factors such as our diet, the environment, our physical activity for example.
We speak of metabolic syndrome when several events appear and persist. The metabolic syndrome then leads to metabolic diseases. Metabolic diseases are very common but they are often diagnosed too late because they develop silently in the body. They are then revealed during an acute episode of the expression of the disease.
Metabolic diseases are:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular diseases: high blood pressure, thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, stroke, heart failure
- Liver diseases including NASH, hepatic steatosis also called fatty liver disease or soda disease
- Gynecological disorders
What is cardiometabolism?
Metabolism works in concert with the heart and influences its functioning.
When several metabolic events occur and coexist, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease increases. The organs communicate with each other and the degradation of the metabolism creates chain reactions. It is therefore absolutely essential to have comprehensive management of cardiometabolic diseases. The medical disciplines must talk to each other like the organs in order to interrupt or stabilize these diseases.
In collaboration with doctors and researchers from its community, the IHU-ICAN sets up innovative care pathways for patients with cardiometabolic diseases and develops cutting-edge research to better understand the mechanisms of formation and propagation. of these diseases.
IHU-ICAN teams are mobilizing to accelerate translational research in order to quickly transfer research progress for the benefit of patients.
Cardiometabolic diseases are diseases of a lifetime. These are chronic illnesses, long-term illnesses that patients must learn to manage in order to avoid acute episodes which are a source of hospitalization and aggravation of the disease.