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Clinical teams
Medical-University Department (DMU) ARCHIMEDE
Pr Richard ISNARD
The DMU ARCHIMEDE brings together the departments and units involved in the management of acute and chronic cardiovascular and metabolic diseases as well as certain rare pathologies of the Sorbonne University Hospital Group.
This DMU responds to an objective of consistency of the offer of care in these pathologies at the level of the East of Paris and of improvement of the care pathways within teams which have a long history of collaboration between them and a high visibility. local, national and international.

Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Group
Heart Institute
Department of Cardiology
Professor Johanne SILVAIN
A service of excellence integrated into a structure dedicated to the comprehensive management of all cardiac pathologies.
Located within the largest French hospital, the Department of Medical Cardiology of the Institute of Cardiology, thanks to the intelligence, the expertise, the availability of its teams and to a cutting-edge interventional technical platform and the excellent collaboration with the other services of the Institute, offers a range of quality care, in particular for the most serious patients.
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Professor Pascal LEPRINCE
The thoracic and cardiovascular surgery department of the Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital was created by Professor Christian Cabrol in 1960.
A specialized medico-surgical team (thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons, cardiologists, anesthetists) takes care of all adult cardiac and aortic operations, from the simplest to the most complex, in the multidisciplinary environment of the Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital. .
The service is recognized as a national and international leader in most of these areas.

Department of Intensive Resuscitation Medicine
Professor Alain COMBES
The Intensive Resuscitation Medicine department is affiliated with the research unit on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases UMRS 1166-ICAN of the Sorbonne University Faculty of Medicine. The service treats patients for the most severe forms of cardiogenic shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome, in particular those requiring the establishment of extracorporeal circulation by ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation).
The main research activities are related to the following areas: circulatory assistance in collaboration with the cardiac surgery department, acute respiratory distress syndrome, protective ventilation, pneumonia acquired under mechanical ventilation, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, induced hemostasis disorders by ECMO.

Vascular surgery department
Professor Laurent CHICHE
The vascular surgery department deals with all areas of vascular surgery and more specifically open and endovascular surgery of the aorta, abdominal or thoracic, extra-cranial cerebral arteries such as the carotids, limb arteries and central veins .
E3M Institute
Diabetology service
Professor Agnès HARTMANN
The diabetology service welcomes all people who wish, with diabetes regardless of its type (1, 2, genetic, gestational, drug-related, etc.). An expert team of doctors, nurses, dieticians, podiatrists, is there to answer your requests. Our state of mind is that of therapeutic education: find with you a personalized treatment that corresponds to your health problem and your expectations. Our level of skills is that of a university hospital: we also have the mission of informing you about the state of progress of the research, and of offering you the opportunity to participate in it if you wish.

Department of Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine
Prof Philippe TOURAINE
The endocrinology and reproductive medicine department has both a weekday and day hospitalization sector, an endocrinology and medical gynecology consultation, an exploration center (ultrasound, hystero-sonography), a infertility care center and a family planning center. In addition, the service is a team belonging to 2 reference centres: one for rare endocrine diseases of growth and the other for rare gynecological diseases. It is also the leading team representing the center for rare gynecological pathologies within the European network for rare endocrine diseases.

Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
Pr Antonio GALLO
The Endocrinology-Metabolism Department comprises two units: one dedicated to hypothalamo-hypophyseal pathologies and the other to the management of severe dyslipidemia (Lipidology).
The lipidology unit includes:
- a day hospital platform (55 patients per week) and functional exploration for cardiovascular prevention (stress test, echocardiography, evaluation of retinal microcirculation by optical coherence, Echo-Doppler of peripheral arteries
- A functional LDL apheresis treatment unit (80 patients) within a common hemobiotherapy federation,
- A consultation platform (7000 consultations for dyslipidemia per year).

Functional unit of thyroid pathologies and endocrine tumors
Professor Laurence LEENHARDT
Internal Medicine Department
Prof. Zahir AMOURA
Nutrition Department
Professor Jean-Michel OPPERT
The nutrition service welcomes adults but also adolescents from the age of 15. It is particularly specialized in the management of severe obesity, its complications, family and genetic obesity.
The service is an expert in the medical and surgical management of obesity.
It is also a reference center for obesity due to rare diseases.
Our team brings together doctors (nutritionists and endocrinologists), psychologists, dieticians, sports medicine educators, nurses, caregivers, social workers.
This multi-professional approach enables comprehensive medicine based on therapeutic education.

Saint-Antoine Hospital Group
Cardiology service
Professor Ariel COHEN
It specializes in the management of cardiovascular diseases and includes three hospitalization sectors (intensive care, general cardiology and day hospital). A technical platform for functional cardiovascular explorations carries out all the examinations essential for the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular conditions

Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Reproductive Medicine
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging Unit ICT, DMU DIAMENT
ICT is the Pitié Salpêtrière cardio-radiology unit, dedicated to cardiac, vascular and thoracic imaging. It deploys its activity alongside the other radiological specialties of the site within the framework of the cardio-thoracic imaging axis APHP.SU.
Its medical and paramedical team specializing in computed tomography and cardio-thoracic MRI benefits from a dedicated technical platform within the cardiology institute where it has developed numerous cross-functional collaborations and high visibility.
The ICT team is invested in research within the framework of the MRI platform and the Core Lab imaging of the IHU ICAN and several of its doctors are long-time members of the cardiovascular team of the LIB biomedical imaging laboratory (INSERM/ CNRS).
The team is also active in teaching within the framework of Sorbonne University and is part of the ESCR European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology network and the European School of Radiology ESOR. Its members are active in the French cardiovascular imaging society SFICV and the French thoracic imaging society SIT.

Human Nutrition Research Center (CRNH)
Professor Jean-Michel OPPERT
The objective of the CRNH is to coordinate and harmonize research programs in human nutrition, and in particular for everything concerning human eating behaviors, their determinants and their consequences; to contribute to teaching, training, promotion, expertise or nutritional education actions; contribute to the transfer of technology between hospital sectors, research laboratories and industry. Its mission is to ensure the phenotyping/genotyping of dietary behavior and nutritional and energy status for population studies, intervention trials and physiological and physiopathological studies.