How can AI be used to stratify the risk of rare hereditary diseases?

How can AI be used to stratify the risk of rare hereditary diseases? (CardI-HACK project)

To mark the award of France 2030 “Data challenges in healthcare” funding from Bpifrance, IHU ICAN is presenting a research project focusing on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a rare hereditary disease.

Conducted by Pr Philippe Charron (University Professor – Hospital Practitioner) at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, the CardI-HACK project aims to combine detailed genetic and clinical data and apply artificial intelligence (AI) to progress towards precision medicine through the identification of new bioclinical scores capable of better predicting the prognosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathies.

Voir le communiqué de presse

What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an inherited heart disease that is a major cause of sudden death and/or heart failure in young people <40).

  • This relatively rare disease affects 1 in 500 people in the general population.
  • It is defined by an increase in the thickness of the left ventricular paroid of the heart that is not explained by load conditions.
  • Until now considered monogenic, researchers and doctors have long thought that this disease was linked to a mutation affecting a single gene in the patient.
  • Despite improved knowledge and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the disease remains unexplained in more than 1 in 3 cases.

The disease is characterized by a 20% risk of death at 20 years, and major progress has been made in preventing complications. For example, when a patient is considered to be at high risk of sudden death from ventricular rhythm disturbance (around 20% of patients), an automatic defibrillator is implanted as a preventive measure.

However, clinicians lack effective tools to offer these interventions at the most opportune time for patients.

Current difficulties in establishing personalized patient follow-up

Due to its rarity, the various clinical and genetic data collected for this disease are heterogeneous, and often based on separate patient cohorts.

At present, cardiogeneticists at rare disease centers are all too often at a loss when faced with the results of genetic and cardiological tests prescribed as part of their disease assessment. In reality, the course of the disease is highly variable and difficult to predict.

This is particularly true of their patients’ relatives who, despite having a similar genetic mutation, sometimes have a completely different clinical picture and/or evolution.

In fact, they are currently using a sudden death risk calculation proposed by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in 2014. The relevance of these risk scores is modest, and the distinction between high-risk and low-risk patients is insufficient and remains controversial.

The aim of the innovative CardI-HACK research project

Thanks to the data de plus de 500 patients suffering from hypertrophic cardiomyopathies (HCM), the general objective of this project is to combine detailed genetic and clinical data and apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) to progress vers une médecine de précision through the identification of new bioclinical scores capable of better predicting the prognosis of these pathologies.

It aims to establish, as accurately as possible and for each patient, a polygenic risk score (PRS), un score de risque polygénique (PRS), and integrate it with cardiological data to better identify patients who will benefit from pro-active therapeutic management, in particular via implantation of a medical device (endocavitary or subcutaneous automatic defibrillator, for example).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will provide new risk stratification with direct translational application to guide therapeutic decision-making. In fact, we want it to enable clinicians to know the risk to which their patients are exposed, in order to adapt their decision-making and the frequency of their follow-up.

Le déroulement du projet

The CardI-HACK project will be managed by the Prof. Philippe Charron, Head of the Reference Center for Hereditary and Rare Heart Diseases, supported by Aurélie Foucher, Project Manager in the ICAN IHU Innovation and Research Valorization team.

Anonymizing genomic data is a key issue for the CardI-HACK project. Combining the analysis of specialists in artificial intelligence methods from Centre de la Sorbonne pour l’intelligence artificielle (SCAI) with the regulatory expertise of IHU ICAN and its data protection delegate, with the help of the regulatory and legal teams from Health Data HubA methodology for anonymizing genomic data will be defined to meet the regulatory requirements of the RGPD and the scientific requirements of the CardI-HACK project, and submitted to the CNIL for approval.

This project has received funding from Bpifrance as part of the “Data Challenges in Healthcare” call for projects under the France 2030 plan.

Financing obtained: €199,934

Voir le communiqué de presse

The support of patrons and donors is essential to accelerate this IHU ICAN research project, and improve knowledge and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Would you like to find out more about sponsorship at IHU ICAN? Contact Francine Trocmé at or 01 88 40 64 05.

IHU ICAN and MSDAVENIR sign a strategic partnership in medical imaging (ICONIC project)

IHU ICAN and MSDAVENIR sign a partnership for a unique heart/liver imaging project: ICONIC

The MSDAVENIR health research endowment fund, part of the MSD France pharmaceutical company, has joined forces with IHU ICAN to support the ICONIC project, which aims to create a heart/liver imaging atlas for the general population aged between 20 and 80.

With the signature of a 1.2 million euro sponsorship agreement, MSDAVENIR is providing major support for the pilot phase of this project, which will contribute to the creation of a world-unique repository of cardiovascular and liver imaging in young adults aged 20 to 40.

This combination of medical imaging and epidemiology will produce unique population data, including young adults.

ICONIC project: the 1st atlas of cardiac and liver imaging in the general population (< 40 ans)

The ICONIC project, supported by the Pr Alban Redheuil (Head of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging Unit at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Heart Institute) will be carried out on the ICAN Imaging platform of the ICAN IHU, in association with the INSERM CONSTANCES cohort, headed by Pr Marie Zins of Université Paris Cité.

In addition to the importance of population-based health data, these data will make it possible to a new understanding of the origins of disease and aging, their very early detection, the determination of new cardiovascular and metabolic risk profiles and individual setting up a multimodal imaging cohort reference for research into common and rare diseases.

Find out more about the ICONIC project

“ICONIC will be the first French multimodality imaging cohort to combine ultrasound and MRI of the heart, vessels, liver and adipose tissue, using the latest technologies and integrating young subjects under 40 from the Constances cohort. MSDAVENIR’s support is absolutely crucial to carry out the pilot phase of the project.

Prof. Alban Redheuil, Head of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging Unit at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Heart Institute and Scientific Director of the ICAN Imaging Platform.

“ICONIC brings together two major research infrastructures, the ICAN IHU imaging platform and CONSTANCES. Thanks to the support of MSDAVENIR, together we will be able to provide crucial new data to improve the prevention and treatment of many cardiometabolic diseases”.

Prof. Marie Zins, medical epidemiologist, lecturer and researcher at Université Paris Cité, director of Unité Mixte de Service 011 “Cohortes Epidemiologiques en Population”.

“We are delighted that the MSDAVENIR endowment fund is able to support the ICONIC project, which aims to create an atlas that is unique in the world. Thanks to its partnership approach with the Constances Cohort, this research program perfectly illustrates the ambition of our fund, which is to support the most innovative research teams in France.”

Dominique BLAZY, Chairman of the MSDAVENIR Scientific Advisory Board

IHU ICAN – Francine Trocmé – Director of communications and sponsorship –
MSDAVENIR – Emmanuelle Klein (LauMa communication) –

The ICONIC project: creation of the 1st atlas of cardiac and hepatic imaging in the general population, including people under the age of 40

The ICONIC project: creating a unique cardiac and liver imaging atlas

With the IMAGERIE CŒUR FOIE France (ICONIC) project, the IHU ICAN aims to build up an advanced cardiac and hepatic imaging database in a reference population in France, backed up by the national Constances cohort (INSERM).

Based on non-invasive examinations, this unique imaging data will enable analysis of the structure and function of the heart, vessels and liver on a scale currently unavailable in France.

Our partnership with MSDAVENIRDownload the press release

The ICONIC project was born out of a lack of data

Advances in imaging techniques have opened up new and highly innovative avenues of research. Imaging now plays a central role in our in vivo understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms, enabling us to detect diseases earlier, assess individual risk of developing a disease or a severe form, and thus improve patient care by developing personalized medicine.

However, there are a lack of cardiovascular and liver imaging data in the general population, and even more so in the 20-40 age group. People under 45 are very poorly represented in internationally comparable population studies.

In response, IHU ICAN has set up the ICONIC project, which will enable the validation of new non-invasive imaging biomarkers, by creating a database accessible to the entire community of specialized researchers.

IMAGERIE CŒUR FOIE France: an open, qualitative, long-term and longitudinal database

The first objective of the ICONIC project will be to generate normative data by age and sex category from the analysis of MRI and echocardiographic images in the French population. These normative data could form the basis for validating new imaging biomarkers, and serve as controls for fundamental or clinical studies on human data.

New diagnostic and prognostic tools are destined to become multiparametric, integrating clinical, biological and imaging data.

It will be open to doctors and researchers, enabling French teams to collaborate on current and future international population imaging projects.

The pilot phase of the project will involve 2,400 participants from the Constances lacohorte (Inserm), with a balanced representation in terms of age and gender (200 women and 200 men for each decade).

Volunteers included in the study will undergo a series of biological and imaging examinations, notably on the ICAN Imaging platform of the ICAN IHU, located in the Heart Institute of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, for explorations such as myocardial MRI and transthoracic echocardiography.

A veritable tool for epidemiological research, the Constances “generalist” epidemiological cohort is made up of a representative sample of 200,000 volunteers aged between 18 and 69, included between 2012 and 2019 and consulting Social Security Health Examination Centers (CES).

Project objectives

  • Identify new biomarkers of inflammation in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, or carriers of the mutation(s) responsible,
  • Determine the diagnostic value of newly identified biomarkers (circulating and imaging) in relation to current diagnostic criteria
  • Improve diagnosis of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy to speed up patient management.

Patient benefits

  • The benefit is mainly societal, as the creation of this reference Atlas of population cardiometabolic imaging will enable a better understanding of metabolic diseases and their development.

Study duration

  • Total duration of pilot phase: 5 years
  • The study will be conducted in 2 phases: an initial monocentric pilot phase involving young volunteers aged between 20 and 40, and a second, nationwide phase.

Project owners

  • Principal investigator: Alban REDHEUIL, ICT Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging, Hôpital de la Pitié Salpêtrière, APHP, Sorbonne University
  • Comité scientifique
  • Marie ZINS, Head of the CONSTANCES cohort INSERM UMS-11
  • Nadjia KACHENOURA, DR Biomedical Imaging Laboratory INSERM/CNRS/SU
  • Vlad RATZIU, Service d'Hépatologie CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière APHP.SU, Hôpital La Pitié Salpêtrière, APHP, Sorbonne Université
  • Olivier LUCIDARME, Specialized Imaging and Emergency Department, La Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital, APHP, Sorbonne University
  • Aron Ariel COHEN, Cardiology Department, Hôpital Saint Antoine, APHP, Sorbonne University

Overall budget

6.8 million euros

The project has received major support from the MSDAVENIR Endowment Fund, as well as funding from the Île-de-France region under the SESAME "Scientific and technological equipment and platforms" scheme, part of the regionalized Avenir Investment Program (SESAME filière PIA).

©Pierre Kitmacher.

SEQUOIA-HCM: Launch of an international multicenter study to investigate a potential new therapy for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

SEQUOIA-HCM: launch of an international multicenter study to investigate a potential new therapy for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

The SEQUOIA-HCM study, taking place in 105 centers around the world, is evaluating the effects of aficamten on the management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a genetic disease that causes thickening of the heart muscle, also known as “left ventricular hypertrophy”.

At the end of 2022, IHU ICAN received a visit from Cytokinetics, an American biopharmaceutical company specializing in muscle activators and inhibitors, and promoter of the SEQUOIA-HCM study conducted within our ICAN Clinical Investigation platform.

The principal investigator at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Pr Philippe Charron, collaborated with Cytokinetics to conduct this study, with the support of the ICAN IHU research studies.

The Phase III study is currently being launched, and the first enrolments at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital are scheduled for the first quarter of 2023!

What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes abnormally thick, causing the left ventricular muscle to stiffen and lose its ability to relax and allow blood to fill.

This relatively rare disease limits the heart’s pumping function, leading to symptoms such as syncope or loss of consciousness, chest pain, shortness of breath or heart failure.

These symptoms appear mainly during exertion, particularly in patients with obstructive” form of the disease (CMHo). In some cases, the disease is complicated by atrial arrhythmia (with a risk of stroke) or ventricular arrhythmia (with a risk of sudden death).

At present, there is no medical treatment that directly addresses the mechanism responsible for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), i.e. the hypercontractility caused by the mutations.

Aficamten: an experimental drug to treat HCM

Designed to reduce the hypercontractility underlying the pathophysiology of HCM, a cardiac myosin inhibitor called aficamten is being developed as a potential chronic oral therapy for HCM patients.

SEQUOIA-HCM: an international multicenter study

Led by Cytokinetics, SEQUOIA-HCM (Safety, Efficacy, and Quantitative Understanding of Obstruction Impact of Aficamten in HCM) is an international, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of aficamten in adult patients with symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

The Phase III study will evaluate the effects of aficamten treatment over a 24-week period on cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and health status in patients with symptomatic CMHo. Some participants in this study will receive a placebo.

The primary objective of this Phase III study is to evaluate the effects of aficamten :

  • On exercise capacity in symptomatic HCMo patients;
  • Health status in patients with symptomatic CMHo.
    • According to the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification;
      o On the gradient of the post-Valsalva segment of the left ventricular ejection pathway.

Study duration: 8.5 months.

Around 270 patients will be included in the study at some 105 centers worldwide. The first patients to be included at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital are scheduled for autumn 2022.

Who are the players involved?

Epigenetics: induced pluripotent stem cells, a promising cellular model for studying parental imprinting diseases

Epigenetics: induced pluripotent stem cells, a promising cellular model for studying parental imprinting diseases

Parental imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that leads to the monoallelic expression of a subset of genes according to their parental origin. Imprinting Disorders (ID), caused by perturbations of imprinted genes, are a group of rare congenital diseases that mainly affect growth, metabolism and development.

In order to model the pathophysiology of parental imprinting diseases, a research team made up of doctors, researchers and doctoral students from Inserm, Sorbonne University and IHU ICAN has developed a new cellular approach. Published on December 28, 2022 in the journal Clinical Epigenetics, this study is entitled “Maintenance of methylation profiles in imprinting control regions in induced human pluripotent stem cells”.

What are the objectives of this approach?

To date, there is no reliable model for studying the pathophysiology of parental imprinting diseases in humans, the first step in developing appropriate therapeutic strategies. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are a promising cellular approach for modeling human diseases and complex genetic disorders.

However, aberrant hypermethylation of Imprinting control regions (ICRs) may occur during the reprogramming process and subsequent culture of hiPSCs. Consequently, the research team tested different reprogramming and culture conditions for hiPSCs and carried out an in-depth analysis of methylation at imprinting control regions, with the aim of developing a cellular model for understanding parental imprinting diseases.

What are the results of the study?

The researchers assessed methylation at seven imprinted loci in hiPSCs before differentiation, at different cell culture passages, and during chondrogenic differentiation. As already described in the literature, hypermethylation was identified at the 11p15 H19/IGF2:IG-DMR and 14q32 MEG3/DLK1:IG-DMR imprinted regions, irrespective of the reprogramming method and cells of origin.

Hypermethylation at these two loci led to loss of parental imprinting, with biallelic expression of imprinted genes IGF2 and DLK1, in regions 11p15 and 14q32 respectively. The development of epiPS™ culture medium combined with cell culture in hypoxia made it possible to correct hypermethylation in H19/IGF2:IG-DMR and MEG3/DLK1:IG-DMR and restore parental imprinting, while preserving the proliferative and pluripotent qualities of these stem cells.

What are the conclusions?

Extensive quantitative analysis of the methylation of imprinting control regions revealed hypermethylation at certain ICRs (those methylated on the paternal allele), in hiPSCs associated with loss of imprinting in these regions.

The epiPS™ culture medium and hypoxia culture of hiPSCs restored balanced methylation at these loci in controls. The research team was also able to show that methylation was disrupted in hiPSCs derived from a patient, thus recapitulating the molecular anomaly responsible for his pathology.

HiPSCs cultured with this new protocol therefore offer very interesting prospects for differentiation into cells of interest involved in the phenotype of patients with diseases linked to parental imprinting, in order to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms and envisage therapeutic targets.

The actors involved in the project

This project is supported by:

  • The IHU ICAN
  • Sorbonne University
  • Inserm

The actors and authors of this study:

  • Prof. Irène Netchine, PU-PH and Head of the “IGF system and fetal and post-natal growth” team at Sorbonne Université/Inserm/AP-HP
  • Dr Aurélie Pham, CCU-AH, PhD at Sorbonne Université/Inserm/AP-HP
  • Céline Selenou, Inserm doctoral student
  • Dr Eloïse Giabicani, MCU-PH at Sorbonne University/Inserm/AP-HP
  • Dr Vincent Fontaine, PhD at IHU ICAN
  • Sibylle Marteau, iPS Cell Culture Assistant Engineer at the ICAN IHU
  • Dr Frédéric Brioude, MCU-PH at Sorbonne Université/Inserm/AP-HP
  • Dr Laurent David, MCU-PH, University of Nantes
  • Prof. Delphine Mitanchez, PU-PH Sorbonne Université/Inserm
  • Dr Marie-Laure Sobrier, Inserm CR

Read the publication

Maintenance of methylation profile in imprinting control regions in human induced pluripotent stem cells. Pham A, Selenou C, Giabicani E, Fontaine V, Marteau S, Brioude F, David L, Mitanchez D, Sobrier ML, Netchine I. Clin Epigenetics. 2022 Dec 28;14(1):190. doi: 10.1186/s13148-022-01410-8.

Portrait of Laetitia, 21 years old and student researcher on dilated cardiomyopathy

Portrait of Laetitia, 21 years old and student researcher on dilated cardiomyopathy

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, 2023 organized by UNESCO, we present the research work of Laetitia Rialland, a young doctoral student in molecular genetics at the UMRS 1166 / IHU ICAN (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital).

At the age of 21, Laetitia is currently working on a thesis project on the understanding of the genetic causes of human dilated cardiomyopathies (the first indication for heart transplants in France and in the world). She is a laureate of the Inserm Liliane Bettencourt School.

2018-2022: an early entry into scientific research

At a very young age, Laetitia Rialland developed an interest in medicine and in jobs related to human beings and the understanding of life, with a curiosity for biology. Medical studies thus proved to be an obvious choice, and she joined the Faculty of Medicine in Nantes in 2018.

His encounter with the research community took place in 2nd year of medical school, when it integrates theInserm School Liliane Bettencourt in 2020. This double curriculum allows him to follow a early research training, with the completion of a Master 2 during which she will do a 6-month internship (from January to July 2022) at theUniversity Hospital of Pitié Salpêtrièrein the Functional Unit of Cardiogenetics and Molecular and Cellular Myogenetics of Pascale Richard (MD, PhD). This immersion in the scientific world confirms his passion for science.

Laetitia: “The analysis of the results is often the most exciting moment, when we discover the result of weeks, even months of work! It generates many new questions and avenues to explore. It can be frustrating to have to concentrate only on certain tracks due to lack of time. I also appreciate the multidisciplinarity, being at the interface of several exciting disciplines: genetics, cardiovascular biology, molecular biology, bioinformatics…”

“The investment required is important: some manipulations can last dozens of hours, several days in a row. This intense pace requires great concentration, but the impatience to discover the fruits of one’s work reinforces motivation. You have to be patient in the face of incompressible waiting times and use this time to anticipate future steps and formulate new hypotheses.”

2022-2025: a thesis project on cardiomyopathies

Since October 2022, Laetitia Rialland has chosen to pursue this exciting path by carrying out a thesis entitled “Transcriptional analysis of the genetic causes of human dilated cardiomyopathies” within team 1 of UMRS 1166 (IHU ICAN).

His research project, called the Calorr project, is based around the understanding of cardiomyopathies, which are diseases affecting the structure and function of the heart muscle. They most often begin in adolescents or young adults, and are the first indication for heart transplantation (71% of transplants in patients under 40).

Laetitia Rialland is studying an innovative strategy of mRNA-seq by 3rd generation sequencing (Long Read). The objective is to better understand the splicing alterations responsible for cardiomyopathies, in order to consider the definition of a new diagnostic panel by mRNA sequencing that would improve the diagnostic yield.

Laetitia: “Thanks to the use of this technology, the Calorr project represents a real opportunity to improve molecular diagnosis, which is necessary for the proper management and treatment of patients. It is important to understand that in order to treat a disease, one must understand it and know its origin.

My daily work life? No two days are alike! I consider that:

  • 1/3 de mon temps de travail est consacré à des manipulations « à la paillasse »,
  • 1/3 to bibliographic research with the realization of a state of the art,
  • And 1/3 to the analysis of the results, the implementation of protocols, training, meetings…

This distribution of time will evolve as my thesis progresses, with the analysis of the results taking a more and more important part. The final challenge will be to differentiate disease-causing variants from benign variants.This is a big job of data analysis and comparison, which will be spread over my next 3 years of PhD.”

Various actors are involved in the progress of the project, including:

  • Eric Villard (PhD supervisor) and Phillipe Charron (Team leader, UMRS 1166 / IHU ICAN),
  • Pascale Richard for the part on the established diagnosis (Functional Unit of Cardiogenetics and Molecular and Cellular Myogenetics), with whom Laetitia also continues to work on her Master 2 research project,
  • The UMRS 1166 team,
  • The Pitié-Salpêtrière (P3S) post-genomic platform for sequencing,
  • The ICAN I/O platform for bioinformatics analysis,
  • Oxford Nanopore for the use of Long Read sequencing technology.

After 2025: what future in research?

Laetitia: “The genetics of cardiomyopathies is a discipline that has evolved a lot:

  • In 2001, the first sequencing of the human genome took place after 15 years of work involving hundreds of researchers.
  • In 2022, the new record for sequencing the human genome is set at 7 hours and 18 minutes.

Even if this record remains exceptional, it shows that scientific research is constantly improving its technological capabilities. This has allowed us to discover a large number of genes involved in cardiomyopathies in the last few decades and to considerably improve the management of these patients. In the coming years, we will be able to generate more and more sequencing data, but the challenge will be to succeed in understanding and analyzing all this data. »

After obtaining her thesis, Laetitia wishes to resume her medical studies in 4th year and to continue in parallel the research with the Inserm Liliane Bettencourt School. She aspires to a university hospital career in order to share her time between research and direct contact with patients.

“This exciting career path requires a lot of work, investment and motivation! I encourage all women and girls interested in scientific research to go for it. I have not encountered any barriers to being a woman in this field, and we are even majority represented in some disciplines.”

Treatment of obesity: study on the protective mechanisms of omega-3 fatty acids

Treatment of obesity: study on the protective mechanisms of omega-3 fatty acids

Obesity is a major public health issue today. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), at least 2.8 million people die every year because of their overweight or obesity. The number of obese children and adolescents has increased tenfold in the last 4 years.

Obesity is frequently associated with metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and nonalcoholic liver disease, which are important risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Supported by the Carrefour Foundation and carried by the Dr. Wilfried Le Goff (INSERM UMR_S1166 – IHU ICAN), the research project entitled “Study of the protective mechanisms of omega-3 fatty acids in obesity” aims to provide a better understanding of the beneficial effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on obesity. It will thus make it possible to propose new therapeutic approaches to combat the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

The role of unsaturated fats in preventing obesity

Poor nutrition is an important risk factor in the development of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The WHO recommends limiting energy intake from fat consumption by reducing consumption of saturated fats in favor of unsaturated fats.

Although the beneficial role of unsaturated fats in preventing metabolic disorders associated with obesity is widely accepted, the underlying mechanisms are less clear.

These are mainly based on the protective effects associated with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly against the development of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

From a mechanistic point of view, omega-3 PUFAs would notably reduce inflammation of adipose tissue, the fatty acid storage organ, which is at the origin of the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes during obesity. However, the precise mechanisms are not known.

The study of the protective mechanisms of omega-3 fatty acids

The work of Dr. W. Le Goff’s team (INSERM UMR_S1166 – IHU ICAN) has identified an enzyme that modulates the omega-3 PUFA content of macrophages, the key cells that control inflammation in adipose tissue. Preliminary results indicate that expression of this enzyme mobilizes omega-3 PUFAs from macrophage membranes to reduce inflammation.

This current research project therefore aims to determine whether the beneficial action of omega-3 PUFAs on the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes during obesity requires the anti-inflammatory action of this enzyme in adipose tissue macrophages.

The project will provide a better understanding of the beneficial effects of omega-3 PUFAs in obesity and will allow us to propose new therapeutic approaches to combat the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Within the IHU ICAN, the ICAN Omics platform will perform lipidomic analysis.

They support this research program

The support of the Carrefour Foundation will contribute to the financing of a researcher’s position on a doctoral contract, the isolation of macrophages from adipose tissue of obese patients by cell sorting and their transcriptomic analysis.

This research program is also funded by the French-speaking Diabetes Society, the Sorbonne University Alliance (Emergence Program) and the French National Research Agency (ANR).

The support of the Crossroads Foundation will be essential for this research program studying the contribution of membrane lipid remodeling in adipose tissue macrophages to the anti-inflammatory role of Omega-3 PUFAs. This work, which will be carried out by a doctoral researcher from our team, will lead to major advances in the understanding of the protective mechanisms of omega-3 PUFAs in obesity.

Wilfried Le Goff – Team leader of Cellular Lipid Metabolism in Cardiovascular Diseases – UMR 1166 / IHU ICAN

What is the status of medical research to combat type 2 diabetes (T2D)?

What is the status of medical research to combat type 2 diabetes (T2D)?

An increasingly common chronic disease, type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, also known as hyperglycemia. It concerns 92% of diabetic patients, i.e. about 3.6 million French people, and generally affects people over 40 years old.

Thanks to many years of active medical research, scientific advances have made it possible to better understand this disease and to develop treatments for the benefit of patients. What is the status of medical and scientific research on type 2 diabetes?

Discover below the testimony of the Prof. Fabrizio Andreelliwhich contributes to the research work of the Diabetes-Metabolism Department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, and of the Nutriomics unit (INSERM / IHU ICAN).

What role does the gut microbiota play in T2D?

The intestinal microbiota is the set of micro-organisms (including bacteria) present in the intestines. Our research teams are interested in the link between microbiota and type 2 diabetes.

They noted that overweight populations show an imbalance in the composition of these intestinal bacteria and an impoverishment of the diversity (variety) of the intestinal flora. This phenomenon is intensified for overweight patients with T2D, who show more alterations in the diversity of their flora.

Can an impoverished gut microbiota promote obesity and type 2 diabetes?

In our laboratory, our research teams therefore contribute to analyze these bacterial species in order to better understand them and to restore a balanced flora in our patients, in order to limit their weight gain and improve their blood sugar levels (blood sugar level), in case of type 2 diabetes.

What impact does bariatric surgery have in T2D?

Research has shown that weight loss improves type 2 diabetes. In fact, physical activity and a balanced diet are part of the hygienic and dietary measures that make it possible to treat T2DM in the first instance, before oral or injectable medication.

In some populations, bariatric surgery to lose weight (gastric banding or more complex surgery that creates an intestinal bypass) helps to normalize blood sugar levels of the patient postoperatively, and even in some cases to make disappear type 2 diabetes. This phenomenon has been observed quickly after the operation (days or weeks)long before the patient begins to lose weight.

What mechanism(s) improve blood glucose after bariatric surgery, before any significant weight loss? Is it the operation itself that induces new signals to wake up the cells that secrete insulin in the pancreas?

In our laboratory, these questions were addressed using a mouse model, recreating the same context as in human patients. In mice and humans, it has been shown that bariatric surgery can awaken the endocrine pancreas, that is, the part of the pancreas that secretes insulin, a hormone that is crucial for controlling blood sugar levels (glucose). Thus, in humans as well as in operated rodents, an increase in insulin secretion is observed, allowing the improvement of blood sugar levels, and even the disappearance of type 2 diabetes.

Analysis of the mechanisms involved in the improvement of diabetes after bariatric surgery revealed involvement of the pancreatic beta cell (endocrine pancreas)which will regain optimal functionality, making it capable of secreting insulin according to the body’s needs in order to regulate blood sugar levels.

Our teams are now working to identify substances that could be released from the operated intestine and that target the endocrine pancreas, thus making it possible to explain how the operated intestine improves the functionality of the pancreas on the basis of the communication between these two organs. The identification of these substances could lead to the creation of new drugs or nutritional solutions to balance the blood sugar levels of patients with type 2 diabetes without bariatric surgery.

What impact does T2D have on the intestinal system?

In patients with type 2 diabetes and who are overweight, the hormonal functioning of the intestinal system is altered. In fact, the intestine has other functions than just absorbing food. Some intestinal cells are specialized in the secretion of hormones that are mainly secreted during meals. These hormones have a double function: to reach the pancreas in order to secrete more insulin to balance blood sugar during meals; and to induce satiety. The production of these hormones called incretin hormones is defective in obesity and type 2 diabetes, which prevents the endocrine pancreas from releasing more insulin and also reduces the satiety message to the brain.

The classic functioning of the intestinal system

  • The microbiota (intestinal bacteria), in contact with food, will interact with the intestine which will release intestinal hormones, or incretin hormones (such as GLP-1), which will circulate in the blood and warn the body that the meal is about to arrive.
  • Upon receiving these hormones, on the one hand the pancreas will secrete more insulin, and on the other hand the brain is informed that satiety must be prepared.

How can we improve the secretion of the missing incretin hormones to increase the secretion of insulin needed to control blood sugar levels?

The identification of one of the incretin hormones, called the GLP-1, has recently allowed research teams to develop a medication to treat type 2 diabetes. This treatment comes in the form of a pre-filled pen of GLP-1, allowing a weekly subcutaneous injection. It will allow to restore this important hormone to the bodywhich is no longer or poorly manufactured by the intestine.

This medication is available for patients with T2DM, and is increasingly recommended when lifestyle modifications are not enough (physical activity, diet…).

A new generation of drugs is expected to be available in 2023-2024, with pens that include 2 or even 3 different gut hormones to enhance the effects on satiety and endocrine pancreas secretion.

“This is a huge hope for all patients. It will prevent diabetes from becoming unbalanced, reduce the risk of complications, and allow for better health,” says Professor. Fabrizio Andreelli, Department of Diabetology, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital.

CAVD project: how to reconstitute in vitro mature contractile heart tissue?

CAVD project: how to reconstitute in vitro mature contractile heart tissue?

The Arythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is the cardiomyopathy that represents one of the leading causes of sudden death in young patients under the age of 40. It is characterized by a massive inflammation of the cardiac tissue accompanied by a progressive loss of muscle cells, the cardiomyocytes, which are replaced by fibro-fatty infiltrates leading to an increased risk of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.

Led by Dr. Pierre Bobin, the CAVD project aims to use artificial cardiac pseudo-tissues (EHT), derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells, as a translational research tool to test new approaches for the treatment of CAVD in the medium term.

What is the CAVD project?

The CAVD project aims to develop and improve the technology of artificial cardiac pseudo-tissues (better known under the acronym EHT for Engineered Heart Tissues) derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) in order to reconstitute in vitro a mature contractile cardiac tissue reproducing mechanical stress as observed in vivo and capable of reproduce cellular and structural phenotypes of CAVD.

The project is based on encouraging preliminary results obtained during the first three years of development of the EHT technology in the Pr Estelle Gandjbakhch and the Dr Eric Villard. It is based on the creation of stem cell lines from blood samples performed in patients with genetic mutations associated with CAVD.

This project should allow the development of a genetically adjustable human tissue model, allowing not only the observation and study of the tissue disorganization observed in the terminal phase, but also and above all the reproduction of the evolution of CAVD throughout its multiple development phases.

The innovative and unique nature of the project

The development of this model, unique in France at present, associated with the use of advanced techniques and technologies such as the use of iPS stem cells associated withThe aim of this genome editing project is to study the pathological mechanisms induced by the two major mutations associated with CAVD in the genetic context of the patient.

This new strategy paves the way for the use of EHT as a translational research tool which should make it possible in the medium term to test new approaches to the treatment of CAVD, such as gene therapy, with a view to developing a personalized medical approach to cardiac pathologies of genetic origin.

Sponsorship at the service of innovation

Crédit Agricole d’Ile-de-France Mécénat has agreed to support this innovative research project in 2022 and has thus joined the community of patrons of the IHU ICAN.

In this context, we had the pleasure to welcome the visit of their delegation for a presentation of the project by the dedicated team: the Pr E. Gandjbakhch (Head of the Rhythmology Unit at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Heart Institute), the Dr E. Villard (Scientific Leader) and the Dr P. Bobin (Post-doctoral researcher) in the Genomics and Physiopathology of Myocardial Diseases team of the UMRS 1166.

This meeting allowed the members of the delegation to discover the research laboratories of the UMRS 1166 as well as the cell culture laboratory in which the pseudo cardiac tissues (EHT) are developed, a unique model in France at the present time.

The support of Crédit Agricole d’Ile-deFrance Mécénat is important for the team, it will allow us to concretely accelerate our research work which is very costly because it involves very innovative techniques”, explains Pierre Bobin, post-doctoral researcher in cardiovascular physiology.

The actors involved in the project

Pictures ©Alkama.

MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and IHU ICAN accelerate research on microbiota and cardiovascular diseases in France

MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and IHU ICAN accelerate research on microbiota and cardiovascular diseases in France

MetaGenoPolis -INRAE and the IHU ICAN, both of which are internationally recognized in the scientific community for their research work and are part of the MetaGenoPolis pre-industrial demonstrator, wish to join forces to accelerate knowledge of the link between microbiota and cardiometabolic diseases.

What impact does the microbiota have on cardiovascular disease?

Diabetes, obesity, cirrhosis, liver disease (NASH), heart and vessel disease are chronic diseases that are constantly increasing in the last fifty years, some of them uncontrolled. They constitute public health issues of today and tomorrow.

These cardiometabolic diseases, affecting both children and adults, are the leading cause of death in France and worldwide. The best way to fight these diseases is through innovative and multidisciplinary research that allows us to offer personalized care to patients.

Science has shown that these diseases may be associated with an imbalance in the gut microbiota.

There is a need to continue to explore the impact of the microbiota in cardiovascular disease to open new therapeutic avenues.

What collaboration between MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and IHU ICAN?

As part of the project Le French Gut, national contribution carried by INRAE in collaboration with the AP-HP which will collect gut microbiota from 100,000 adult volunteers residing in metropolitan France and associated nutritional and clinical data by 2027, the INRAE/ICAN collaboration will create synergies in ancillary projects to accelerate knowledge on the relationship between the gut microbiota and cardiometabolic diseases in France.

Indeed, several patient cohorts under the aegis of the IHU ICAN could join the French Gut in order to study this relationship.

Privileged links between MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and IHU ICAN already exist, notably through 2 international projects MetaHIT and Metacardis that have resulted in high impact factor publications, and more recently in joint discussions to propose offers for manufacturers wishing to explore the microbiota and its impact on health.

«Whether for diagnosis, treatment, or prevention through nutrition, these partnership offers include the unique expertise of these two institutes (clinical, metagenomics and Artificial Intelligence) and benefit from high quality technical platforms to meet an increasingly innovative and personalized demand from our economic partners.”

Alexandre Cavezza, PhDDirectorMetaGenoPolis

Who is MetaGenoPolis?

MetaGenoPolis (MGP), an INRAE unit, is an expert in research on gut microbiota applied to health and nutrition human and animal, to accelerate science and innovation. Funded by the Programme des Investissements d’Avenir (Laureate 2012 and 2019), MGP has been coordinator of 2 major projects that have advanced the science of microbiota:

  • The MetaHIT project which publishes the first catalog of human gut microbial genes,
  • The IHMS project to help standardize microbial DNA analysis.

Since its creation in 2012, MetaGenoPolis has collaborated on 236 research projects, including 154 projects in partnership with industry.

MGP’s main missions are:

  • To accelerate microbiota science in France and innovation in the field of health and food,

  • To propose high-performance, high-throughput technologies to analyze the diversity of complex microbiota and the interactions between gut bacteria and human cells,
  • To collaborate with industrial actors for the transformation of their discoveries into health-related products and services, to identify and fully process leads towards future industrial applications, to help design and lead scientific projects towards applications.

MGP’s scientific excellence in the analysis of the microbiota and its implications for health and nutrition iswidely recognized in the international scientific community .