Successful launch of the XVIVO trial
Launch of the pre-CE marking industrial trial conducted by XVIVO Perfusion, in collaboration with Dr Guillaume Lebreton, thoracic surgeon in the cardio-thoracic surgery department headed by Pr Leprince, aimed at validating the performance of a new system for transporting grafts intended for heart transplantation.
This innovative method of protecting the grafts involves connecting the heart, of the donor cooled at rest, to a pump which administers a preservation solution, oxygen and nutrients throughout the duration of the transport. Unlike the standard transport method, which simply involves placing the heart in a chilled liquid, this new solution will better meet the nutritional needs of the heart and allow to increase the chances of success of the transplant, especially when the heart has to travel a long way to reach the recipient.
The Pitié-Salpêtrière site 1st recruiting center for this trial
Thanks to the joint work of the Scientific Operations teams for setting up the project and the ICAN clinical investigation platform, the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital is the first recruiting center for this trial with 11 patients in 6 months on the 30 planned in total. Currently, 11 hospitals are involved in this innovative project. The total duration of the study is 2 years. »