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The governance
The management Our founders Board of directors The executive committee The council of the IHU The scientific council
The management
Prof. Stéphane Hatem has been Managing Director of IHU ICAN since 2018. He was unanimously reappointed by the Board of Directors on December 16, 2021 for a 4-year term.
He is assisted by Stéphane Barritault, General Secretary, in charge of the Institute’s operational management.
This duo at the helm of the IHU is supported by a management committee made up of 6 divisions:
- Innovation and Research Development
- Platforms and Business Development Division
- Clinical Research Center: MRI & Corelab Imaging Center and Cardiometabolic Diseases Clinical Investigation Center
- Legal, Compliance and Data Policy Department
- Administration, HR and Finance Department
- Communication and Sponsorship Department
Joëlle Pfeffer : Executive Assistant
Our founders
To carry out its mission, IHU ICAN draws on the expertise of its founding members: Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) and Sorbonne Université (SU).

Board of directors
The IHU is steered by a board of directors (CA) which defines its general policy.
It is made up of 16 members, 6 founding members, 5 qualified personalities, 3 representatives from the economic world and 2 representatives elected by teacher-researchers. The Board is chaired by Anne-Marie Armanteras.
Chairman of the Board, IHU ICAN
Graduate ofEcole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique – EHESP, she worked as head of a hospital establishment, then as Île-de-France regional delegate for the Fédération des établissements hospitaliers et d’aide à la personne (FEHAP).
She has also held positions of great responsibility in the healthcare system, heading up the Healthcare Establishments Division and the Healthcare and Medico-social Services Division of theAgence Régionale de Santé (ARS) Île-de-France from 2013 to 2016 and as Director General of Healthcare Services (DGOS) at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs from April 2016 to April 2017.
A member of the Collège de la Haute Autorité de Santé in 2017, she was then appointed health advisor for “health, disability and the elderly” to the President of the Republic, a position she held from March 2020 to June 2022.
It has also been commissioned to propose “a plan to renovate biomedical research” by the ministers of health, industry, higher education and research in 2023.
Currently President of the Think Tank Health & Tech, she is also Chairman of the Board of ANAP (Agence nationale pour la performance sanitaire et médico-sociale).
Representatives of the founders
Nicolas REVEL
Managing Director AP-HP
Chairman and CEO INSERM
President Sorbonne University
Director of Clinical Research and Innovation AP-HP
Director of the Department of Partnerships and External Relations INSERM
Bruno RIOU
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Qualified personalities
Catherine Boileau
Claudine CANALE
President of “Les Poids Plume France”
Research Director, INRIA
CEO MEDICEN, Paris Region
Representatives of the economic world
GE Healthcare, General Manager, FBFA zone, Representative of SNITEM
SEBIA, Chief Scientist
Corteria Pharmaceuticals, CEO
Representatives of researchers, teacher-researchers
Corinne FRERE
MCU-PH, Biological Hematology, AP-HP
Bruno FEVE
The executive committee
The Executive Committee (COMEX) of the IHU is made up of the Director General, the Secretary General, the heads of the IHU’s internal poles and one community representative per strategic axis. The director of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Group and the medical director of the DMU are permanent guests. The COMEX is responsible for assisting the Director General, particularly in defining the IHU’s strategy and scientific orientations, but also in all aspects of management.
The Chief Executive Officer is appointed for 4 years by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, from among the candidates proposed by the Board. The Director General is responsible for the general management of the IHU. He is assisted by a Secretary General in charge of the operational management of the Institute.
Endocrinology and metabolism
Prof. Olivier BOURRON
Endocrinology and metabolism
Director of Research, Innovation and Rare Diseases AP-HP Sorbonne University
Prof. Philippe CHARRON
Head of the Genomics and Pathophysiology of Myocardial Diseases Research Team UMR 1166 and Director of the Reference Center for Cardiomyopathies and Hereditary Heart Rhythm Disorders
Prof. Alain Combès
Intensive medicine-resuscitation
Dr Laurie DUFOUR
Cardiology and vascular diseases
Prof. Bruno FEVE
Director of research unit 938 – Saint-Antoine research center
Dr Antonio GALLO
Endocrinology and metabolism
Cardiology and vascular diseases
Prof. Richard ISNARD
Cardiology and vascular diseases
Dr Wilfried LE GOFF
Team leader, Systemic and cellular lipid metabolism in cardiometabolic diseases (UMR_S1166)
Prof. Irene NETCHINE
Physiology - Pediatric functional explorations
Prof. Vlad RATZIU
Gastroenterology and hepatology
Prof. Alban REDHEUIL
Cardiovascular imaging
The council of the IHU
The IHU board is made up of the general director of the IHU, the general secretary, the dean of the Sorbonne University faculty of medicine, the directors and team leaders of the UMRs involved in the ICAN, the medical director of the DMU Archimede, department heads of this DMU involved in the clinical activities of ICAN. The Chairman of the IHU Council is the Chief Executive Officer of the IHU. Its objective is to strengthen the internal cohesion of the medical and scientific community of the IHU and to allow a fluidity of information between the teams to ensure overall consistency. The purpose of the IHU council is to allow discussion and sharing on the strategic orientations and scientific policy of the IHU.
Prof. Zahir AMOURA
Head of the internal medicine department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital
Head of the Molecular and Cellular Plasticity in Cardiovascular Diseases team – UMR 1166
Head of the Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
Prof. Philippe CHARRON
Head of the Genomics and Pathophysiology of Myocardial Diseases Research Team UMR 1166 and Director of the Reference Center for Cardiomyopathies and Hereditary Heart Rhythm Disorders
Prof. Laurent CHICHÉ
Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department at Saint Antoine Hospital
Head of the Endocrinology, Diabetology and Reproductive Medicine Department at Saint-Antoine Hospital
Prof. Karine CLEMENT
Head of UMR 1269 Nutriomics - Nutrition and obesity
Prof. Ariel COHEN
Head of the Cardiology Department at Saint Antoine Hospital
Head of Interventional Cardiology Unit of the GH PSL Cardiology Institute, Head of Team 2 Atherothrombosis and Applied Pharmacology - UMR 1166
Prof. Alain Combès
Head of the resuscitation department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital
Prof. Bruno FEVE
Director of research unit 938 – Saint-Antoine research center
Head of the metabolic diseases, diabetes and comorbidities team – UMR 1138 Cordeliers research center
Prof. Christian FUNCK-BRENTANO
Head of the Paris-Est Clinical Investigation Center (CIC)
Head of the diabetology department at IE3M
Prof. Chantal HOUSSET
Head of the team Fibroinflammatory diseases of metabolic and biliary origin of the liver - Research unit 938 – Saint-Antoine research center
Prof. Richard ISNARD
Cardiovascular imaging team leader UMR 1146
Wilfried LE GOFF
Team leader Cellular lipid metabolism in cardiovascular diseases – UMR 1166
Prof. Laurence LEENHARDT
Head of the Functional Unit for Thyroid and Endocrine Tumor Pathologies
Prof. Pascal LEPRINCE
Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Heart Institute of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Group
Philippe LESNIK
Head of the Mononuclear phagocytes in metabolic diseases team – UMR116
Head of the Molecular and Cellular Plasticity in Cardiovascular Diseases team – UMR 1166
Prof. Irene NETCHINE
Head of the IGF system, fetal and postnatal growth team - Research unit 938 - Saint-Antoine research center
Prof. Michael OPPERT
Head of the nutrition department of the E3M institute and the human nutrition research center (CRNH)
Prof. Christine POITOU-BERNERT
Nutrition - Genetic Rare Obesity Reference Center
Prof. Alban REDHEUIL
Head of Cardiovascular Imaging Unit of the Heart Institute of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Group
Prof. Bruno RIOU
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Philippe TOURAINE
Head of Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine
Prof. Corinne VIGOUROUX
Reference center for rare pathologies of insulin-secretion and insulin-sensitivity (PRISIS)
The scientific council
The scientific council of ICAN is composed of 5 external personalities, highly recognized by the international scientific community, in the field of cardiometabolism and nutrition. This scientific governance body, appointed by the Board of Directors, is consulted on the main scientific orientations and the annual action program of the IHU. The scientific council also evaluates the scientific performance of the Foundation. He is very involved in the scientific life of ICAN and plays a fundamental role in it.
Prof. Karin SIPIDO - Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board
Professor of Medicine and Head of Experimental Cardiology
Université de Louvain
“ICAN is an ambitious, forward-looking, international centre of excellence at the cutting edge of cardiometabolic research. Its work in this field is highly relevant, given the current rise in obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The ICAN approach is unique in that it focuses on communication between organs.
The Scientific Advisory Board was particularly pleased to note the depth and scope of ICAN’s research, which draws on advanced technological platforms to collect and use a multitude of data, linking basic and clinical research to optimise the application of results. Early and mid-career scientists who attended the meeting emphasised that the future of the ICAN mission is bright.”
Pr Karine SIPIDO, Présidente du Conseil scientifique
Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l'Université de Sherbrooke
Director of the “Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular complications” research axis
Professor of Cardiology and Chairman of the Heart & Research Foundation
Groupe hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph, Paris Sorbonne Université
Biochemist-endocrinologist, Fat tissue biology
Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge University Hospitals
Radiologist and Professor of Cardiothoracic Imaging
Centre médical universitaire de Groningue
Clinical Biochemistry, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Centre universitaire de médecine de laboratoire et de pathologie (UZL)