
Are you taking part in a clinical study conducted by investigators from the ICAN IHU scientific community? Thank you for your involvement!

It represents a strong individual commitment to pushing back the limits of scientific knowledge and building the medicine of tomorrow.

⇒ Would you like to ask questions about the study or stop participating? Contact the doctor in charge of the study directly.

⇒ Would you like to be informed of the results of the study or subsequent research, find out who will receive your personal data, or object to the processing of your personal data as part of the initial study or subsequent research? Please download and consult the relevant study page below.

⇒ Would you like to find out more about ICAN BioCollection and its BRC (Biological Resource Center)? You’ll find more information below.















iPS Cardiogen








The sample collection of our ICAN BioCell - Human Liver Biology platform specializing in chronic liver diseases.

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Thanks to the support of the AP-HP, INSERM, and Sorbonne University, the IHU ICAN has a biological platform specialized in chronic liver diseases: ICAN BioCell – Human Liver Biology. The platform maintains and maintains a collection of liver cell samples and human body products and participates in collaborative research projects on liver disease.

We would like to thank all the patients who agreed to participate in the ICAN BioCell – Human Liver Biology collection. Chronic liver disease research is advancing thanks to you.

If you have made a donation to the ICAN BioCell – Human Liver Biology collection and wish to object to one or more of the research studies, you can contact the surgeon who operated on you, or report it to mesdonné

Find out more

Recruitment for clinical studies

No recruitment in progress.

The processing of personal data associated with the management of biological samples by ICAN BioCollection

What is a biological sample?

A biological sample is an element or product taken from your body. It can be a liquid sample (blood, saliva, vaginal fluid, etc.) or tissue (skin, liver, mucosa, etc.). The collection of human samples for medical research is strictly regulated and cannot be done without the consent of the donor. Your participation in a medical project is free. Take the time to think about it or discuss it with your loved ones if necessary.

What is a Biological Resource Center? (CRB)

A Biological Resource Center (CRB) is a biobank specializing in the medium and long-term conservation of biological samples. IHU ICAN has its own BRC, ICAN BioCollection. Biological samples are collected as part of your treatment at the hospital or during an industrial or institutional medical research program. After collection, these biological samples are coded in order to guarantee your confidentiality (the names of the people are replaced by a code) and recorded in a database. At the ICAN BioCollection BRC, samples are treated for preservation and maintained at low temperatures (-20°C, -80°C and -150°C) to ensure their integrity for future analysis. The sample collections stored in the ICAN BioCollection BRC will be used by physicians and researchers to advance scientific and medical knowledge in the field of cardiometabolism (obesity, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, heart failure, hepatic metabolic steatosis, acute coronary syndrome, etc.). The ICAN BioCollection is subject to strict and demanding regulations and guarantees the quality and traceability of biological samples.

ICAN BioCollection is independently certified to ISO 9001 and NF-S-96900 quality standards.

What happens to samples after medical research?

If all the samples are not used during the research, the remaining samples can be kept for additional research provided that this is provided for in the initial protocol approved by the ethics committee and that the participant has been informed. and that he did not oppose it. Otherwise they will be destroyed at the end of the study.

What types of data are likely to be collected by the CRB?

The data that can be processed by the CRB ICAN BioCollection include personal data (age, gender, date of medical visit, pathology) and data related to the collected samples (sample code, sample type, date of processing and storage …). The purpose of the processing is the preparation of the samples or their storage, for the purpose of carrying out clinical studies for which the ICAN may act as a subcontractor of the sponsor or as a processing manager. The legal basis for the processing carried out by ICAN is the public interest, in accordance with its mission of public research service.

This processing complies with the provisions of the CNIL (law relating to data processing, files and freedoms as well as the general regulations on data protection).

To exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition or limitation of processing of your personal data, you can contact the IHU-ICAN at this address: